Do not under estimate the power of prayer.
To understand the power of prayer, in my humble opinion, we need to understand the nature of God and that he is omniscient, which is to say that he is all-knowing.
[ om-nish–uhnt ]Phonetic (Standard)IPA
having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.
We grow when we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every aspect of our lives and continually pray for inspiration, knowledge, understanding, and guidance. When we no longer wait to be told or inspired by others. When we awaken to the understanding that truth and light is ours but for the asking.
This is simply my opinion but I believe that when we open our minds to God in thought (prayer) that he knows and understands the intent of our hearts even if we do not translate those thoughts into words. Too often we find ourselves going through the motions of reciting repetitive prayers rather than opening our thoughts and minds to communicate with God on a higher level. For example, I believe that just visualizing a person that is in our thoughts and in our hearts, that God knows and understands that which we are communicating to him without actually vocalizing our intent. Thought, therefore, in my opinion is or can be in and of itself a “prayer” whether we are formally “praying” or simply communicating with God at any given moment and time. I put this forward as something to contemplate. I believe that we can have a prayer in our hearts anytime and anywhere regardless of our current circumstances. We could be driving down the freeway, working out in the gym, cleaning house or making dinner. I believe that we can have this “conversation” with God as long as we are in tune with his Holy Spirit.
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The power of prayer is the ability to connect with God and receive guidance, answers, and transformation:
- Connection with God: Prayer can help you develop a relationship with God and feel closer to Him.
- Guidance: Prayer can provide guidance when you’re lost or don’t know what to do.
- Transformation: Prayer can help you change and become more like God.
- Answers: Prayer can provide answers to your prayers in the form of thoughts, feelings, scripture, or the actions of others.
- Forgiveness: Prayer can be a way to repent and be forgiven for your sins.
- Peace: Prayer can provide peace and perseverance during difficult times.
Some say that the power of prayer comes from the God to whom we pray, and not from the prayer itself. Others say that prayer is a way to keep company with God and deepen your friendship with Him.
10 Meaningful Benefits of Prayer | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
What is the power of prayer? | Got Questions
There is Power Through Prayer | Living Revelations
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