“Premeditated ignorance is the quality or condition of deliberate unawareness. It is when people do not know because they do not want to know. For, if they did know, they would have to take responsibility for the knowledge and they would thereby be required to renegotiate their identity and relinquish the status, privilege, and authority that are derived from the false order of knowledge. At the very least, they would have to be compelled to leave their comfort zone”.
God has endowed us with limitless potential. The only thing holding us back are the boundaries and expectations that we set for ourselves or that others have defined for us.
Only when we reach beyond those boundaries do we achieve growth. This is true intellectually, physically and spiritually.
Only when we understand and acknowledge what those invisible boundaries are can we begin to visualize and achieve our full potential.
We grow by challenging those boundaries whether they are self imposed, learned or expectations and limitations placed upon us by others.
Doing this takes courage.
We and we alone decide what boundaries we are willing to accept for ourselves. We must write our own “script” and not blindly follow the “script” that has been given to us. This “script” has defined the boundaries that hold us back from reaching our limitless potential.
The “script” consists of the sum total of all that we have been taught and exposed to over the course of our lives. What we are taught by our parents, our teachers, our friends, what we have been taught in books, from our mentors, by the government, and the media. Ask yourself the question…who owns the media? Who owns the corporations? Who owns the politicians?
It is a fact that not everything we have been taught is true or correct. In some cases the truth may have been manipulated to favor one narrative over another in order to control how we think, what we believe and how we behave. The burden falls upon us to question what we have been taught and to determine for ourselves whether those beliefs are, in fact, true or not true. A mentor often told me “Truth is truth. Fact is fact. Fiction is fiction”. This made a profound impression on me then and his words still resonate strongly with me today.
Fear is a powerful force that binds our souls. The Creator has blessed us with intellect and the power of discernment. He has further blessed us with his Spirit that will always guide us in our search for the truth. Just because we were taught certain things (science and history, for example) does not mean that what we were taught is true or the whole truth. When you find out how much we have been lied to and manipulated by those that control the narrative you will be shocked. It is my belief that we have been lied to about many things that we have accepted as truth simply because we blindly trusted the source and/or we are afraid to question what we have been lead to believe is true. The media (and our governments) lie to us in an effort to program the way we think and act. Open your mind to the possibility of alternative truths, the truths that exist outside the narrative that you have been programmed to believe. Do not be afraid to question and to search for truth. Challenging those “scripts” allows you to expand your thinking outside the invisible boundaries that limit your growth potential.
The question is are you brave enough to question the script, to seek the truth, the challenge the narrative?
We must break through the “script” to find the truth and to reach our true potential. Believing in false narratives places limits on our ability to grow and achieve our greater selves.
If we live our lives to please others and/or allow ourselves to be limited by the expectations others have placed upon us we can never achieve our full potential. This is because those that have written the “script” for us are limited by their own “script” that, in turn, limits their growth and progression. The expectations of others will always fall short of what we could have achieved if we dared to push ourselves to achieve our greater potential.
Only when we question what we do and why we do things, the way we do them (even in the most simple of terms) including what we believe and/or what we have accepted as truth, can we begin to expand our minds and modify our behavior to begin to break the bonds that hold us captive.
To achieve our full potential we must challenge accepted norms. How we are expected to behave. I am older, therefore I am expected to act like other “older people”…people my age. I reject that thinking. Just because someone “my age” accepts society’s expectations does not mean that I have to behave according to their “script”.
What limits are we willing to place on ourselves or to be placed upon us by others?
It takes courage to challenge the script.
Be courageous. Let your only fear be fear of failure to become your greater self.
Because I care…
Brad Clark
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