Anxiety Disorders

Let’s be honest, practically everyone deals with anxiety in one form or another. Life is stressful and stress typically leads to anxiety. It is important to first acknowledge our anxiety and find ways to reduce that anxiety by implementing techniques to manage anxiety like meditation, breathing techniques, exercise, lifestyle modifications, etc. If you are not able to self-manage your anxiety seek professional help. Anxiety and stress can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure), heart attack and even stroke. Take control of your anxiety for your mental and physical health.

In my own personal experience, when I put off or procrastinate things in my life (personal, work, etc.) that I perceive to be difficult, painful or stressful (and would really rather avoid doing but know that they are not going to simply go away) instead of just addressing those things head on, that procrastination causes a tremendous amount of anxiety. I have found that if discipline myself to address those difficult tasks instead of putting them off that I eliminate a great deal of subliminal stress and anxiety from my life. Food for thought…

Anxiety Disorders | Mayo Clinic

Anxiety Disorders | Cleveland Clinic

What are Anxiety Disorders | American Psychiatric Association

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) | Johns Hopkins Medicine

What is the 333 Rule for Anxiety? | healthline

Anxiety Disorders | Web MD

Managing and Treating Anxiety | Better Health AU

Anxiety & Panic Disorders Resource Center | WebMD

How to Manage Anxiety and Fear | Mental Health Foundation

Anxiety Disorders | Johns Hopkins Medicine

What is Anxiety? | Psychology Today

Anxiety | Harvard Health

Anxiety and Panic | WebMD

Anxiety Self-Help Guide | NHS

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