How Much Omega-3 Should You Take Per Day? | verywell health
Omega-3 Supplement Guide | healthline
Fish Oil (Omega-3) Supplements | Mayo Clinic
What are the best food sources of omega-3 fatty acids? | Source Cleveland Clinic
Fish is the best source of omega-3s.
The chart below lists some types of fish that can add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. The serving size for each type of fish listed is 3 ounces (oz.), with nutrient data provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. While some types of fish contain a small amount of ALA, the chart contains the total DHA and EPA content for consistency. These totals reflect the DHA and EPA content in raw (uncooked) fish, except where noted.
Type of fish (3 oz. serving) | Omega-3 content (DHA + EPA) |
Mackerel | 2.0 grams |
Salmon (farmed, Atlantic) | 1.7 grams |
Herring (Atlantic) | 1.3 grams |
Anchovy | 1.2 grams |
Salmon (wild, Atlantic) | 1.2 grams |
Whitefish | 1.1 grams |
Tuna (Bluefin) | 1.0 grams |
Halibut (Greenland) | 0.8 grams |
Sardines (Atlantic, canned in oil) | 0.8 grams |
Tuna (Albacore, canned in water) | 0.7 grams |
Bluefish | 0.7 grams |
Striped bass | 0.6 grams |
Rainbow trout (wild) | 0.5 grams |
Tuna (light, canned in water) | 0.5 grams |
Should I be concerned about mercury in fish?
Some fish have higher levels of mercury than others. These are usually species of fish that mainly eat other fish, as their tissues accumulate mercury faster because of their diet. Some types of fish with the highest mercury levels include:
- King mackerel.
- Marlin.
- Orange roughy.
- Shark.
- Swordfish.
- Tilefish (Gulf of Mexico).
- Tuna (bigeye).
- Perch (freshwater).
- Largemouth bass.
- Striped bass.
- Pikeminnow.
- White sturgeon.
- Blackfish (bowfin).
- Catfish (wild).
- Black crappie.
If you like to catch your own fish, check with local or state authorities to make sure fish caught from nearby bodies of water are safe for you to eat.
You should limit how often you eat fish high in mercury because too much mercury can lead to mercury poisoning. That condition can damage your brain, nervous system and other body systems. Some people are more sensitive to mercury or more prone to problems from it, so they shouldn’t eat these fish at all. Such groups include:
- People who are pregnant.
- Children age 11 or younger.
Many types of fish are safe sources of omega-3s for people who are pregnant and for children when eaten in moderation (up to 12 ounces per week). These fish include:
- Anchovy.
- Herring.
- Mackerel (Pacific chub or Atlantic).
- Salmon.
- Sardine.
- Trout (freshwater).
- Tuna (light, canned).
- Whitefish.
Albacore (white meat) tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna. In general, you should eat no more than 6 ounces of Albacore tuna per week. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding (chestfeeding), talk to your provider about the amount that’s safe for you.
What if I can’t eat fish?
There are several reasons why you can’t eat fish. You may be allergic, or you may follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. In these cases, you can look to certain plant-based sources of omega-3, which provide the nutrient in the form of ALA. Alternatively, you can speak with your provider about supplements like icosapent ethyl.
One of the best sources of ALA is ground or milled flaxseed. Aim to add about 2 tablespoons of it to your food throughout the day. Easy ways include sprinkling it in oatmeal, smoothies or yogurt.
Other sources of ALA include:
- Algae oil.
- Canola oil.
- Chia seeds.
- Edamame.
- Flaxseed oil.
- Soybean oil.
- Walnuts.
The amount of ALA you need depends on many factors, including your age and sex assigned at birth. Here are some general guidelines for adults:
- People assigned male at birth (AMAB): 1.6 grams.
- People assigned female at birth (AFAB): 1.1 grams.
- People who are pregnant: 1.4 grams.
- People who are breastfeeding (chestfeeding): 1.3 grams.
Talk to your healthcare provider or a dietitian to learn ways to add ALA to your diet.
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