If we put the wrong fuel in our car, it would ruin our engine.
Of course, we could always buy a new car to replace the one we ruined.
What happens if we put the wrong “fuel” in our bodies?
When we eat foods that are unhealthy for our bodies this is a root cause of many of the illness’ that result. Examples being weight gain, obesity, inflammation, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more.
Just some “food for thought”.
We have only one body. We cannot replace it like we can a car that we have ruined by filling it with the “wrong fuel”.
Let’s decide today to educate ourselves on the foods that are good and beneficial for us and the ones that are NOT and to apply that knowledge along with discipline to our eating choices and habits.
Common sense, right?
Health is wealth!
Wisdom (noun)
A wise attitude, belief, or course of action
Let’s be wise!
Because I care…
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